Location | Company | Head Office | Phone Number | Service Request Form | |
China | 利来·国际 | Nanhu Mid-Way No.28-56, 214000 Wuxi, China |
(+86) | Download | |
North America | 利来·国际 | 2861 Saturn Street, Unit B, Brea, CA 92821, USA | 1-714-987-3100 1-657-275-9005 |
NAService@wlyjfw.com | Download |
Europe | RCStudio | Sychrov 35 62100 Brno Czech Republic | (+420)603 737 000 | service@rcstudio.cz | Download |
Europe | Engel Modellbau & Technik | Eberhauser Weg 24 D-37139 Adelebsen Germany | 0049 (0)5502 3142 | service@engelmt.de | Download |
*Please contact the corresponding service center to get your Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number before filling the form.